IASAP is the premier and only representative Institute of Lady Secretaries and Administrative Professionals from the public as well as the private sector. The All India membership is currently around 1600, and in Kolkata we have 155 active members. With Headquarters in Mumbai, IASAP has Chapters functioning in Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, New Delhi, Pune, Bangalore and Hyderabad.
IASAP is affiliated to the Association of Secretaries & Administrative Professionals in Asia-Pacific (ASA), which biennially organizes a Congress hosted in and by a member Asian country in which IASAP members attend and participate.
IASAP actively participates in the biennial Congress of Secretaries in Asia-Pacific. The other member-countries of ASA are: Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Republic of China, Pakistan, Japan, Sri Lanka, Brunei, Papua New Guinea and Bangladesh. This affiliation aims to provide knowledge to the participants, encourages networking among members all over Asia and raises awareness of the importance of the profession.
Our activities are designed to aid the administrative professional in fulfilling her responsibilities and to serve as a forum for continuous self-development.
Are you:
- The admin whom everyone counts on to keep the department running smoothly?
- The "go-to" person who is expected to stay on top of the latest technologies?
- The Administrative Professional who somehow gets consistent results with limited resources?
- The assistant entrusted with critical, confidential information?
- The administrative manager taking on roles as team leader with management functions?
- Aspiring to gain the competitive edge that makes you virtually indispensable to your boss and your organization?
If you have answered "Yes" to even one of the questions above, you then need to come join us TODAY! Please click here for membership information.